Friday, December 31, 2010

What is the PERFECT Homemaker?

June Cleaver.  Martha Stewart.  Carol Brady.  These were/are the PERFECT Homemakers in my eye.  Yes, I know that is unreasonable in today's world, but hey, a girl can set goals, can't she?  I just want to get to the point of everything has a purpose and it in its proper place.  I want to be able to tell someone, "Sure, come on over" without a frenzied panic running through rooms throwing underwear, socks and toys into a huge laundry basket, and frantically swiffering the kitchen to pick up the dried mac-n-cheese under the babies' highchair. 

So, what characteristics do I believe make a PERFECT Homemaker?

1.  A clean house - always.  I got the Queen of Clean book a few weeks ago and am going to work my way through it, and report my successes and failures . . .

2.  Home-cooked meals, every meal, except one weekend meal per week.  I mean home-cooked, not a shortcut heat and eat.  I love to cook, but the time factor really can be difficult to manage. And thank god for DD on the way to preschool, but that is happening way too often.

3.  Laundry done, folded and put away the same day.  'nuf said.  That never happens. 

4.  Time spent on enrichment activities with little ones.  Always seems like you can't do both - clean and play - but there has to be a way.

5.  Exercise.  Get to my zumba class, walk the treadmill in the gym, do something 4 days a week.

6.  Sleep eight hours a day. 

Can it be done?  I don't know, but I really hope so, and of course, I'll be looking for lots of helpful advice and the occasional encouraging words . . .

New Year's Resolutions . . .

Do I believe in resolutions?  Partly yes and party no . . . I guess it is always good to set goals, but of course my goals of traveling to Tahiti, winning the lottery and moving into that beautiful 10,000 sq ft home are not reasonable - yet.  So I guess I'll start simply and resolve that I will strive to be the PERFECT Homemaker by January 1, 2012, and you, the blog readers, will see if I can do it . . . we'll see.